The ISAE has established a Congress Attendance Fund (CAF) to support the attendance of ISAE members at the annual congress. The amount of the fund will be no less than GBP 2000 and will be allocated to needy ISAE members to cover the Congress registration fee and potentially contribute to accommodation (but usually not travel expenses).
To be eligible, the applicant must be a member of the ISAE. The applicant must have submitted an abstract, and money will only be allocated if their presentation is accepted.
Applications for funding will be reviewed by the CAF Committee and will be prioritized on the basis of financial need and quality of the abstract. Researchers and students from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply for this support. Please note that support from the CAF to any one person is limited to once in any 5-year period – if you have received funding in the last 5 years, please do not apply.
The application must contain all of the following information:
Name of applicant
Postal and email address (or fax number)
The year the applicant became a member of the ISAE
Status of applicant (e.g. student, active researcher, unemployed researcher, etc.)
A full justification explaining why the applicant should be given an award. There is no fixed format for this justification, as reasons will vary between applicants, but if no justification is given, the application will not be considered.
A budget for attending the Congress, including a statement of which part(s) is requested from ISAE (but see limitations above) and whether other funding is available to cover parts not funded by ISAE
Indicate your agreement to return funds if you are not able to attend the conference
The application itself must not be more than one A4 page. It must be accompanied by a short CV, including a list of publications and/or presentations by the applicant (including local and regional meetings) and a copy of the abstract submitted for the Congress.
Applications are due 29th February 2024 and should be sent to Mark Rutter, Senior Vice President of the ISAE, at smrutter@harper-adams.ac.uk with the subject “ISAE 2024 CAF”.
Successful applicants will be notified immediately following acceptance of Congress abstracts. For more information, see the Procedural Guidelines on the ISAE website or contact Mark Rutter.
If you receive CAF funds but are not able to attend the conference, you need to return funds to the ISAE.
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) Travel Awards for ISAE 2024 - SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED!
UFAW is an international independent scientific and educational animal welfare charity and membership society. Our vision is of a world where the welfare of every animal affected by humans is maximised through a scientific understanding of their needs and how to meet them. We do this by discovering what matters to animals, developing scientific solutions to animal welfare problems and disseminating evidence-based animal welfare information.
One of the ways in which we achieve our mission is through our grants and awards scheme. To this end, UFAW is supporting delegate attendance at the ISAE International Congress 2024 through our ISAE Travel Awards. Our awards will support successful applicants to attend the ISAE International Congress in Curitiba, Brazil, to present their research with the aim of advancing animal welfare science.
To be eligible:
Abstracts must focus on the welfare of farm, companion, laboratory, or captive wild animals, or on free-living wild animals whose welfare is compromised by humans, and;
Applicants must have their abstract accepted by the ISAE congress committee.
Your application will be reviewed by the ISAE Congress Attendance Fund (CAF) committee and will be assessed in relation to other applications received on its merits for animal welfare and its scientific quality. Your application should include a realistic travel budget and the reason why you should be given the funding.
The application itself must not be more than one A4 page. It must be accompanied by a short CV and a copy of the abstract submitted for the Congress.
Please send your application, CV and copy of abstract to grants@ufaw.org.uk no later than 1 April 2024.
Humane Society International ISAE Travel Award - SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED!
For the past twenty-four years, Humane Society International (HSI) has provided financial assistance for graduate students to attend the ISAE International Congress and present their research. We are pleased once again, to be able to offer this award. This year, we will be accepting applications from students worldwide who have not been prior recipients of this travel grant and will award graduate students to present their research at the Congress. Selection will be based on the potential impact of the students' research toward improving farm animal welfare and on financial need.
The Graduate Student Travel Awards were developed with the following objectives:
To raise the profile of farm animal welfare as a discipline in animal and veterinary science colleges.
To encourage students to investigate issues in farm animal welfare.
To provide students the opportunity to attend the ISAE meeting to present their research and so they can meet with, and learn from, others who work in this discipline.
The following items are necessary for your application to be considered:
1. Your name, contact information, academic institution, level of study, and the name of your advisor, along with a letter from you indicating:
your interest in animal welfare
your desire to attend this conference and what you hope to gain
relevance of your research to the advancement of farm animal welfare
statement of financial need
2. An abstract of your research, which you would present at the International Congress. Travel awards are contingent on the acceptance of your abstract by the ISAE committee. Application for this travel award does not suggest that ISAE has received or will accept your abstract.
3. Itemized list of travel expenses in US dollars.
4. Letter of recommendation from your major adviser.
Note: Please include your name on all pages and (or) attachments. Deadline for submission is 1 March 2024. Applications are accepted via e-mail.
Paul Petersan
Program Coordinator, Farm Animal Welfare and Protection
Humane Society International
1255 23rd St., NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037
Developing Countries Congress Attendance Fellowship 2024 (DCCAF) - SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED!
The International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) is the leading association for people interested in the behavior and welfare of confined or domesticated animals. Although ISAE tries to keep the cost of attending its annual congresses as low as possible, they are too expensive for some to attend, particularly for scientists from developing countries where animal welfare science is relatively new and not well funded. The Society has developed a Fellowship for farm animal behavior and welfare scientists and others wishing to attend the congress from developing countries, including, but not limited to, those countries identified as having the potential to move towards intensification of production (Table 1). This is the sixth year for ISAE DCCAF program, and this can not only benefit the attendees with free Congress registration and travel bursaries, and we would like to make it a great experience for networking, learning about applied animal behavior research and animal welfare, and building long-term engagement with ISAE to continue global development of our field.
To foster the advancement of farm animal welfare in developing countries by supporting animal behavior and welfare scientists and others from emerging economies to attend a one-day pre-congress workshop on animal welfare concepts (to be given by internationally recognized leaders in animal welfare science and representatives from relevant industries), the four-day ISAE annual congress, and a one-day post-congress farm tour (possibly including fish, cattle, pig, poultry and sheep farms). The allocation will be the full sum equivalent to the cost of the registration, accommodation, reasonable travel expenses, visa fees and subsistence.
To be eligible
1) The person must be active in farm animal welfare science (e.g., active in one or more of research,
teaching, education, policy, standard setting and outreach), in or from a developing country (Table 1).
2) The person must be able to travel freely to Curitiba, Brazil for the ISAE Congress and other activities
between July 21 to 26th, 2024, with an approved visa if required.
Application procedure
1) The application should contain the following information and must be in English (applications with
missing information will not be considered):
a. Name of applicant.
b. Postal address and email address (or fax number).
c. Your occupation or position, e.g., student, early career researcher, active researcher, government employee, official veterinarian, past researcher etc., and a brief summary of duties associated with that position.
d. A brief characterization of the current animal agriculture in your home country (for instance, the proportion of smallholders compared to industrialized systems, growth within different sectors and some of the main animal welfare challenges).
e. 1) Please justify why the award should be received (15%), 2) Why this fellowship is essential for you to attend the ISAE conference (15%), 3) What you hope to gain from attending the Congress (30%), and 4) How you expect to apply the new knowledge to improve farm animal welfare in your home country (40%).
f. An estimated budget, including the total cost of congress attendance (registration, accommodation, travel, visa fees and subsistence).
2) The application information requested above should not be more than 2 pages. It should be accompanied by a brief CV of no more than 4 pages, including major accomplishments, whether or not a previous DCCAF was awarded, a list of selected publications and/or presentations by the applicant (if applicable), and a copy of any abstract that may have been submitted to the 2024 ISAE congress.
3) The applicant should submit the application to isaedevelopmentoffice@gmail.com by February 29th, 2024.
4) The applications will be evaluated by the DCCAF review committee.
5) Successful applicants will be notified by 30 April 2024.
6) Registration will be completed on behalf of the awardee. The travel bursaries will either be sent directly to the applicant, or bookings can be made on the applicant’s behalf if preferred. If requested, ISAE will help the successful applicant identify the most reasonable travel to the meeting and write a letter that can be used when applying for a travel visa, if required.
Factors that will be taken into consideration in the decision process
1) Potential for impacting farm animal welfare in the home country.
2) There is little or no possibility of attending the congress without financial support.
3) There is little or no possibility of obtaining sufficient financial support from elsewhere (applicants should state where else they have applied or could apply for financial support).
4) Country of citizenship and current residence.
5) Whether a previous DCCAF was awarded will be considered, and priority will be given to new applicants where applicable, as we want to provide this opportunity to as many candidates as possible.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is not a requirement for the application, and will not be a factor in our decision, but we encourage submissions on the Congress themes (https://www.isae2024brazil.com/) or about animal behavior/welfare studies in your country.
Except for theoretical contributions and reviews, abstracts should include a statement of purpose, methods used, results (including data and brief statistics) and conclusions. See the ISAE Guidelines Appendices II and III for more information (https://www.applied-ethology.org/Procedural_Guidelines.html), particularly regarding the ethical use of animals (https://www.applied-ethology.org/Ethical_Guidelines.html).
Abstracts must be submitted before 19th February 2024, as instructed by the Congress organizers. Abstracts will be subject to the normal Congress abstract review process.
Code of conduct at the ISAE conference
ISAE holds a high value on EDIA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility) and has an anti-harassment policy (https://www.applied-ethology.org/res/ISAE%20Procedural%20Guidelines%202022%20October.pdf). We want to provide a welcoming and respectful environment for all Congress attendants regardless of their gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, career stage, caring responsibility, etc. Therefore, Congress attendants are expected to act in accordance with ISAE’s values and policy. Any misconduct will be investigated, and disciplinary actions taken once confirmed. DCCAF awardees are expected to
participate fully and actively in all activities of the DCCAF program. Awardees will need to agree to sign the terms and conditions of the award before it can be received.
For any questions on the DCCAF program, please contact the ISAE Development Team isaedevelopmentoffice@gmail.com.
Table 1: FAO Potentially Intensifying Countries:
Derived from Figure 5.2 www.fao.org/docrep/014/i2414e/i2414e05.pdf

Robinson, T.P., Thornton P.K., Franceschini, G., Kruska, R.L., Chiozza, F., Notenbaert, A., Cecchi, G., Herrero, M.,
Epprecht, M., Fritz, S., You, L., Conchedda, G. & See, L. 2011. Global livestock production systems. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 152 pp.